When Rhyme Time replaced a night out?!


Today I found myself dancing with a little too much enthusiasm at playgroup. It was singing time at the end, and I noticed I was not alone in my overzealous moves, I had to stop myself fist pumping and throwing in the running man. Several of us were singing along, swaying, bouncing and even a bit of foot shuffling to ‘wheels on the bus’. I caught myself saying ‘oh we like this one’ and I didn’t really mean the children, I meant me!!! What has happened to me?

It dawned on me that this is it now, this is the closest I get to ‘clubbing’, this is where I get to boogie and strut my stuff; rhyme time!

I hope I’m not the only one who does this? I have certainly spotted other mums getting carried away with actions for wind the bobbin up. Who needs ‘big fish, little fish, cardboard box’ when you have ‘point to the window, point to the door’. If I do ever set foot in a night club again and a) don’t feel like I could have given birth to half the people there, and b) can stay up long enough to go out that late; I may introduce some of these new moves into my ever-expanding dance repertoire. Who knows, it might take off!?

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3 Little Buttons

8 thoughts on “When Rhyme Time replaced a night out?!

  1. This absolutely cracked me up!!!! Haha. I do the same but never realised. I’m constantly singing the Hello hello song from Mr Tumble, mostly when the baby isnt even around, and yesterday at a mum and baby group, when asked if we wanted to get up and dance “a little” I jumped up and started moon walking around the room to Grand Old Duke.

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  2. Haha! I love this!! This is sooooo me!! Love a good bit of Wind the Bobbin Up and Sleeping Bunnies! I particularly laughed as my NCT group tried to get our toddlers to sit still for our annual Christmad photo today by attempting to sing to them…we definitely enjoyed The Wheels on the Bus more than they did, ha!! Thanks so much for sharing this with #DreamTeam 🙂

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